This is a Substratum pack that includes a lot of mods capable of modding:
- Framework
- Settings
- SystemUI
- Always On Display
The available mods as of 12/22/17 consist of:
- Custom Nav Bar Height (0dp - 100dp)
- Better Nav Colors
- More Animation Scales (dev settings; 0.1x, 0.2x, etc...)
- Center Clock (with support for music player on lockscreen)
- Clean QS
- Hide Brightness Slider
- Hide Carrier (status bar and qs text removed)
- Hide Status Bar
- Hide Status Bar Icons
- Hide Status Bar Battery
- Hide Status Bar Clock
- Hide Unlock Text (oudated; see Remove Keyguard Bottom Text)
- Material Navigation (nav keys are circles)
- QS Remove Handle
- QS Remove Page Indicator
- Remove Keyguard Bottom Text
- Remove Recents Close Border
- Remove Recents More Button
- Swap Battery and Percent
- AOD Double Tap To Wake (beta) (to use: enable home button in AOD settings)
- AOD Hide Battery
- AOD Hide Date
- AOD Hide Home Button
- AOD Hide Notifications
And many more to come!
Edit from 1/24/18: We practically doubled the mod count and accomplished some mind blowing tweaks that I didn't even think were possible.
To Install Mods:
- Find the mod you want (ex: System UI -> Center Clock)
- Once selected, toggle the check box for that app (ex: System UI [ ] -> [*])
- Click the bottom right button, and select "install selected overlays"
To Remove Mods:
- Repeat "install" steps, except click "uninstall selected overlays"
I really really really appreciate donations! To be honest it seriously motivates me to keep going and making these tweaks free and adding your suggestions.
As I'm just a student with no money, your donations go towards either textbooks or coffee.
Also, if you end up donating (even if its just a dollar), I'll add you to the first page of the XDA forum as a donator!
If you have any questions, please contact me here before you rate: